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[마젠토/Magento] 이미지 종류 (Magento Image Type and Size)

    쇼핑카트, 사이드 관련 상품 등에 나타나는 이미지. 
    The thumbnail image appears in the thumbnail gallery, shopping cart, and in some blocks such as Related Items.
    Example Size: 50 x 50 pixels

Small Image
    상품목록, 검색 목록, 첫페이지 신상품 등에 나타나는 이미지 
    The small image is used for the product images in listings on category and search results pages,
    and to display the product images needed for sections such as Up Sells, Cross Sells, and the New Products list.
    Example Size: 370 x 370 pixels

Base Image
    상품 상세보기 페이지에 나타나는 메인 이미지 
    The base image is the main image on the product detail page. 
    Image zoom is activated if you upload an image that is larger image than the image container.
    Example Size: 370 x 370 pixels (without zoom)
    Example Size: 1100 x 1100 pixels (with zoom)

참고) 마젠토 기본 설정 사이즈는 다음과 같다. 
    Thumbnail - 50x50
    Small Image - 135x135
    Base Image - 262x262

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