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[마케팅/Marketing] 야후 검색 결과에서 웹페이지 삭제하기.

Removing your website or webpages from the search index


This article explains how webmasters and website owners can remove webpages from Yahoo! Search.


The organic search results on Yahoo! Search are now powered by Bing. To remove a page from the search index, please submit a request through the Bing Webmaster Tools.

If you experience any issues or have trouble getting your pages deleted, please review the Bing Webmaster Help Pages. Yahoo! is unable to provide any status updates or assistance regarding deletions from the Bing index.

Note: If you would like to remove a website or webpage that you do not own, please contact the site owner, webmaster or domain provider and ask them to follow the above instructions. Contact information for the webmaster or site owner is usually available on the website itself; you can look up the domain provider atWhois.net.


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