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[유튜브/YouTube] mp3, wav 파일 업로드하기

OK, maybe the title is a little misleading.  You can’t actually upload an .MP3 or .WAV file to YouTube.  It is very easy, however, to combine an audio file with some images and convert to an .MOV or .WMV file that is perfectly acceptable to YouTube.  Here’s How:

Windows Users:

1. Download and install Windows Live Movie Maker.
2. Open it and create a new project.
3. Click on “Add Videos and Photos” and select the photos you want to use.
4. Click on “Add Music” and select the WMA or MP3 audio file.
5. Then, click on the “Project” tab and click on “Fit to music”
6. Go to  File> Save Movie> Recommended for this project and Save.

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